Torre Civica (UK)
Period: Its construction goes back to the eleventh century
Façade: It was built with square bricks and illuminated by small single lancet windows; the lower part belongs to the original construction dating back to the eleventh century. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the Paleologi, a family who held the marquisate of Monferrato, commissioned the architect and sculptor Matteo Sanmicheli (from Porlezza, who worked actively from 1480 to 1528) to add a crown-shaped loggia. This, too, is built with square bricks and has four mullioned windows surmounted by an octagonal-shaped loggia culminating with a colonnade and topped by a small dome embellished with dolphins. It has been renovated from time to time through the centuries with painted plaster and decorations in stucco; the last time being in 1920